Yesterday I wrote a some general information you would need to be aware of before visiting Ethiopia. Then I shared some awesome free activities in Addis Ababa. Today we will be in the small town of Gondar, north-west of Ethiopia. A 12 hour bus ride from Addis Ababa, yes you will not feel your behind by the time you arrive from all the sitting in the bus. Gondar is a small town rich with Ethiopian history. To truly experience Gondar, you have to visit a few places… Fasilides' Castle About 300 metres from the Gondar Piazza is the Castle, you can see it from the Piazza but the entrance gates are on the other side so you will walk. Or be nice to some guys riding their horses and hitch a ride. To enter the castle will cost you 200 Birr as a tourist, there a much cheaper fee for the Ethiopian nationals. You will need a tour guide if you have real interest in finding out more about the history. I was very interested but I did not have enough money for a guide in ...