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Showing posts with the label wanderlust

What Namibians think of South Africa - And the truth.

I have been in Windhoek just over a week and I love it here. Although yesterday was unbearably hot I couldn't function. Having spent a week in Windhoek meeting the locals, there are some misconceptions (can't think of a better word at this point) that Namibians have about South Africans. I have put together the 5 that I have dealt with almost daily... 5. Kapana is like Shisanyama. Honey, No. I might not be a carnivore but the 2 aren't the same thing. Shisanyama, you buy your meat and braai/bbq it yourself. Usually at a watering hole. Kapana is what we would call chicken dust, but it's beef strips. 4. Windhoek is like Johannesburg.. you hear this mostly from the locals who have never been to Johannesburg. So cute! Windhoek is like Nelspruit. But we forgive you. 3. Soweto is a very dangerous place. I don't want to go there. I've felt safer in Soweto than in Sandton. That's just me. From my experience, Soweto is much safer than Katitura. Quot...

A Place Of Great Noise - Augrabies Falls National Park

Welcome to The place of Great Noise My travels in the past 3 months have been very kind to me to take me to several South African National Parks. I did the Kruger National Park and the Mapungubwe National Park in September with the Vhembe Municipality as part of the Heritage week tour. Last week while in Cape Town I hiked up Lions head - 669 metres above sea level. Lions head forms part of the Table Mountain National Park. I love National Parks. As an animal lover, I can’t help be excited about seeing wild animals at some of these parks also the heritage that is protected in some of these parks is what no textbook will teach you or help you experience. The Orange River For my second week in South Africa I am in the Northern Cape. As I make my mission to discover the green Kalahari, I managed to visit the Augrabies Fall National Park. This is where the Kalahari and Nama-Karoo desert meet and the Orange River flows. This is where you can experience the...

Backpacking Cape to Cairo.

The countdown is on!!! With just a day to go till I get to start my adventure backpacking Cape to Cairo, The nerves have really kicked in and reality is more exciting than ever. For the past 6 months I have been planning for the biggest adventure I will ever go on. I have resigned from my day job to chase a life of being a tourism social media marketer. This adventure that I speak of will see me travel through 11 countries including my home country of S.A. The countries are as follows: ·         Namibia ·         Botswana ·         Zimbabwe ·         Zambia ·         Malawi ·         Tanzania ·         Kenya ·         Ethiopia ·  ...