Basic Information you want to know before visiting Ethiopia.

Amharic is the national Language of Ethiopia. Although a multi ethnic country with 83 languages and 200 dialects.

90% of Ethiopians earn a living from land. Mostly subsistence farming.

Ethiopia is in GMT +3 time zone. Follows the Jullian calendar, which consists of 12months of 30 days each and a 13th month of 5 or 6 days on a leap year.

The Ethiopian currency is the Birr and cents.
Notes are 100, 50, 10, 5 and 1 Birr
The 1 Birr coin is also in circulation.
1 South African Rand = 1.6914 Ethiopian Birr 

Health Requirements
A yellow fever certificate is required when traveling on a South African passport.

Immigration Requirements
For most countries, you have to apply for the Ethiopian visa at the Ethiopian mission at your country of residence. With exception for Kenyan and Djibouti nationals who do not need a visa to enter Ethiopia.
Nationals from 39 countries can get their tourist visa on arrival at the airport, countries include: South Africa, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Brazil, Canada, Denmark, New Zealand, North Korea.
***Visa on arrival doesn't apply for entry through land border gates.
Tourist visa on arrival: US$50 (30-day single-entry); US$70 (three-month single-entry); US$80 (three-month multiple-entry); US$100 (six-month multiple-entry). 

Public Transport
Like all other Africa countries, Ethiopia has an established public transport. Not the most dependable. Sharing taxis are available all over till very late in the day.
Ethiopia is relatively safe, but just be responsible and not let your guard down.
The taxi cabs are blue and white and you will find them all over the streets. Unfortunately no metres, so you have to negotiate your rate before you get in.
