Falling in Love with Joburg - My Birthday weekend.

Since growing up in Johannesburg I have accepted the fact that I have grown out of touch with the city and have taken it upon myself to find the beauty in the city. I have dug deep in my spirit to find what inspires me to travel the continent to help me find the beauty in the city of Joburg so that I can fall in love with the city again.

This past weekend was my birthday and I spent most of it stuck to my laptop and every moment I got to get away, I wanted to do something I hadn’t done before and since my friends were out of town or just not available for me I decided to take Friday on alone and do something different.
I am not excited about going clubbing and coming home with ringing ears or nursing a hangover the whole day the day after a night out. Although I don’t frown upon it, it is just not for me. So I have started doing things that I like, that get me out of the house and I can actually have fun doing by myself or with friends.
With my old age I have learned that I love spending my money on experiences than on material things, I find I get more pleasure and satisfaction and lead more of a meaningful life this way.

On Friday I got dressed up and looked pretty for a night out of dancing. I have recently started taking Kizomba dance lessons and on Saturday there was a Kizomba social at the La Musa restaurant in Maboneng.

Chilli Chicken wings with salad at the La Musa Restaurant.
Kizomba is a dance that originates from Angola. Kizomba is a sensual, intimate, slow and romantic dance. The music is generally slow and sung in Portuguese but at some point the beat is faster and we just slide across the room.
So Saturday night was spent as part of a small Angolan community in the heart of Joburg dancing to my hearts’ content. Dancing makes me happy, second to jumping around with reckless abandon.

I have recently taken interest in weekend markets. So my first market for my birthday was with friends at the Fourways Farmers market. Literally everyone and their cute dog were there. Friends, lovers, families and little people running around. You can buy everything at the market and enjoy a beautiful lunch with live entertainment.

Yummy Gourmet Sandwiches.
Catching the winter sun at the garden of the Fourways Farmers Market
There are stalls for craft bears, different types of cheeses, gourmet sandwiches and burgers and also clothing. This is ideal for a chilled Sunday afternoon.

Friends at the Fourways Farmers Market.
